The City Life

Although my heart is on the farm, I spend my days in a big office building in town. I’ve also developed a number of habits that aren’t quite country. Like running. And speaking other languages. And teaching myself to like wine. And an inexplicable addiction to Pretty Little Liars. And traveling internationally several times in recent years. And appreciating $70 dress pants and $80 jeans. And high heels. And Mad Men, White Collar, Grey’s Anatomy, and South Park. And high top Chuck Taylors. And Mel Brooks. And classic literature. And Cosmo magazine. And hip hop music (and hard rock). And jazz music. I recently became obsessed with makeup and fashion (because that stuff really matters, yo). And I say “yo.”

And although I’m going to sound like a hick with my twang (sometimes it’s bad enough, I bet you can read it) and my backwoods vernacular (I get it from my husband), I want to record all of the aspects of my life. And that’s why I choose to blog about my City Life.

**My 5K PR is from the ConocoPhillips United Way On Your Mark 2014, 24:21

**My 8K PR is from the Run the Streets Woolaroc Road Race 2014, 43:29

**My 10K PR is from the Bartlesville K-Life Run the Ville 2015, 56:20

**My one and only half marathon was 2:04 in Jenks, November 2015

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